University of Pittsburgh Staff Council Resolution Supporting the Acknowledgment and Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples at the University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh Staff Council Resolution Supporting the Acknowledgment and Inclusion of Indigenous Peoples at the University of Pittsburgh

To create a space of acknowledgement for the equitable observance of all cultural, spiritual, and ethnic identities, the University of Pittsburgh Staff Council, on behalf of its members and the University of Pittsburgh Staff at large, has established this resolution to recognize Indigenous Peoples and provide support to local American Indian and Native American organizations.

With appreciation, Staff Council recognizes the extra personal day granted by the university on July 1, 2022, as announced by the Office of Human Resources on May 26, 2022, after the diligent work by Dr. Pickett and the ad hoc Paid Holiday Committee. For that reason, the second request listed in the operative section of the resolution, promoting the adoption of Indigenous Peoples’ Day as an observed holiday at the University of Pittsburgh, is no longer a prioritized point.  

In consideration of the upcoming Indigenous Cultural Festival, website, advisory council, and other related projects of the Indigenous Community Engagement Initiative, the hope with the third request listed in the operative section of the resolution, recommending the University collaborate with staff, students, and faculty who are indigenous, as well as partner with groups like the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center, Inc. in Pittsburgh, and the Pitt Native American Student Organization (NASO) to understand the needs and desires of Native community members, is that collaboration grows and is supported by the approval of and use of the drafted land acknowledgement, trainings and workshops that educate the community campus on experiences and culture of Native peoples, and other opportunities to invest in, acknowledge, and value the cultural capital of Indigenous partners.

Along with the land acknowledgement, the first and last points in the operative selection of the resolution are priorities. Staff Council asks that Indigenous Peoples’ Day be included on the University calendar (as Constitution Day and Reading Day are currently), and that an official space be provided to recognize the Native people of Western Pennsylvania.

Artwork by: Amy Kleebank

Pitt Art Director and Staff Council Vice President of Marketinig and Public Relations